Results show broad public support for immigration and its role in Canada’s prosperity
Earlier today, the Environics Institute released the first report from its 2020 Focus Canada survey. The survey was conducted in partnership with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa, and with the Century Initiative.
This year’s survey of more than 2,000 Canadians provides important insights into Canadian attitudes towards immigration and refugees. As the leading Canadian organization dedicated to thoughtful, purposeful population growth, Century Initiative is encouraged by the survey’s findings and we wanted to share the highlights with you, our supporters.
Among the survey’s most compelling findings is that two-thirds (66%) of Canadians reject the idea that immigration levels are too high, and more than half of Canadians (56%) agree that the country needs more immigration to grow our population. These findings represent a sea-change in Canadian opinion since the 1980s and ‘90s, when most Canadians held opposite views.
Equally important, more Canadians than ever before – over 80% – agree that immigration has a positive impact on the country’s economy, with almost 80% of those surveyed rejecting the idea that immigrants take jobs away from Canadians. And, at a time when other countries around the world are actively discouraging immigration – whether because of COVID-19, the rising tide of nationalism or populism – approximately 70% of Canadians feel that we should be actively encouraging skilled immigrants who are denied entry to the U.S., to choose Canada.
The insights we have gained from the 2020 Focus Canada survey come at critical time. COVID-19 has taught us that our prosperity is fragile, and that we need to think longer term if we want to leave a more prosperous, diverse, resilient and influential Canada for future generations. That plan must include a commitment to growing the country’s population – in a thoughtful, purposeful way – to 100 million by 2100. The Focus Canada survey shows that when it is done right, Canadians will support immigration and recognize its economic value to the country. That is why CI’s work – and your support for it – is so important.