Why 100 million?

We've set an aspirational, bold target of 100 Million Canadians by 2100. More than just a number, this target is intended to challenge Canada, and Canadians to believe in and spark conversation about what a bigger, better, bolder future for our country could look like.

Why? Because the world is changing at a rapid pace, and Canada is falling behind. Our population is aging and we’re having fewer children. If we stay the course, this would result in fewer taxpayers, limiting the ability to fund essential public services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Labour shortages in key industries such as healthcare, agriculture, and technology would worsen, slowing economic growth, driving up prices and reducing our competitiveness.

Canada has a role to play on the global stage in both advancing climate and human rights commitments and upholding national security. But when it comes to global activities, being an influential player depends on a strong economy and international reputation.

A growth mindset is a necessity for Canada's long-term prosperity, resilience and national security.

Population of Canada

(Real-Time Model)

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Population Change Since Midnight

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Canada's Immigration Path to 100M

Source: Conference Board of Canada Modelling