Evolution of the National Scorecard

Download: Evolution of the Scorecard

Ongoing indicator improvement

Since 2021, Century Initiative has continuously improved the Scorecard with the input of its Expert Panel and a wider network of academics, policy, business, and non-profit leaders. This process has focused on responding to new trends and insights while balancing the value of continuity in measurement.

Some Scorecard indicators have evolved or been replaced since the first edition in response to changes in the data environment, and through continuous work to enhance clarity, consistency, and international comparability.

The first edition of the Scorecard published in 2021 set out the following vision:

“The Scorecard engages with complex and dynamic issues… In the years ahead, our goal is to continue developing how we measure Canada’s progress through broad engagement with partners and other experts.”

A close up of the Global Reputation indicators in the Immigration focus area in 2022.

For some indicators, data sources have been changed as data availability shifts. For example, a new data source for Global Reputation was identified in 2022 and used thereafter.

A close up of the Permanent admission indicator in the added in to the 2024 scorecard.

Additionally, some indicator names have been refined to better align with their underlying data. In 2024, Immigrant Admissions has been renamed Permanent Resident Admissions to be clearer on what is being reported and better reflect the data source, which has remained the same since the first Scorecard.

A close up of the Employment rate indicator in the Education, skills and employment focus area in 1st Scorecard.

Indicators have also evolved conceptually based upon expert input. For example, Labour Force Participation Rate in the first Scorecard became Employment Rate thereafter to better capture Canadians currently working, as opposed to those working as well as looking for work.

Indicator change linked to deeper conceptual development

Growing Well

The indicators in the Growing Well focus area, introduced in the 2021 Scorecard, were redistributed to other focus areas in 2022.

Immigration and its impacts on Canada’s society and economy

Evolution of the Immigration indicators from 2022 to 2024.

Canada on the global stage

Freedom indicator initially removed after its first appearance in Scorecard 2021 was re-introduced for Scorecard 2024.

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Tracking Scorecard change

Interact with the following editions of the Scorecard to see its evolution, either in a single year or comparing all years at once. The indicators are colour coded, as described by the legend, to showcase the specific types of changes that have been made.

As you explore the interactions, you’ll see that the most significant changes made to the Scorecard since its launch were between the first and second edition. These changes were made in response to the advice and feedback of a diverse advisory group convened to help review and improve the initial Scorecard concept. Since that time, there has been greater continuity and more incremental adjustment.

2021 Scorecard

Total number of indicators: 40
No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
1st edition of the Scorecard, released in 2021. Indicators that were removed or moved to other focus areas are highlighted.

2022 Scorecard

Total number of indicators: 38
No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
2nd edition of the Scorecard, released in 2022. Indicators are highlighted to reflect changes between years.

2023 Scorecard

Total number of indicators: 39
No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
3rd edition of the Scorecard, released in 2023. Indicators are highlighted to reflect changes between years.

2024 Scorecard

Total number of indicators: 40
No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
4th edition of the Scorecard, released in 2024. Indicators are highlighted to reflect changes between years.
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Focus Areas

Select a focus area to see how its indicators have changed from year to year


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Scorecard #2
Scorecard #3
Scorecard #4

Growing to 100M

The Growing to 100M focus area has been present in all 4 editions of the Scorecard.


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Population growth
Immigrant admissions
Fertility rate
Scorecard #2
Population growth
Immigrant admissions
Fertility rate
Life expectancy
Scorecard #3
Population growth
Immigrant admissions
Fertility rate
Life expectancy
Scorecard #4
Population growth
Permanent resident admissions
Fertility rate
Life expectancy
Global freedom

Infrastructure & environment

Was originally named Infrastructure and urban development in the 1st Scorecard but was renamed in 2022 to Infrastructure and environment.


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Investment in infrastructure
Housing affordability
Access to internet
Urban population density
Quality of internet
State of infrastructure
Urban income inequality
Scorecard #2
Investment in infrastructure
Housing affordability
Broadband uptake
Urban population density
Climate change performance
Scorecard #3
Investment in infrastructure
Housing affordability
Rural broadband coverage
Urban population density
Climate change performance
Scorecard #4
Investment in infrastructure
Housing affordability
Rural broadband coverage
Urban population density
Climate change performance

Economy, innovation & entrepreneurship

Was originally named Economy, employment and entrepreneurship in the 1st Scorecard but was renamed in 2022 to Economy, innovation and entrepreneurship.


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Entrepreneurship ecosystem
Business R&D spending
Business growth
GDP per capita
Household debt
Labour force participation
Workers in pension plans
Scorecard #2
Early-stage entrepreneurship
Business spending on R&D
Business growth
GDP per capita
Household debt
Income inequality
Global competitiveness
Diversity in leadership
Indigenous economy strength
Scorecard #3
Early-stage entrepreneurship
Business spending on R&D
Business growth
GDP per capita
Household debt
Income inequality
Global competitiveness
Diversity in leadership
Indigenous economy strength
Scorecard #4
Early-stage entrepreneurship
Business spending on R&D
Business growth
GDP per capita
Household debt
Income inequality
Global competitiveness
Diversity in leadership
Indigenous economy strength

Support for children & families

The Support for Children and Families focus area has been present in all 4 editions of the Scorecard.


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Child care
Child poverty
Parental leave
Child and youth well-being
Spending for families
Scorecard #2
Child care
Child poverty
Parental leave uptake
Employment rate for mothers
Youth well-being
Scorecard #3
Child care participation
Child and youth poverty
Parental leave uptake
Employment rate for mothers
Youth well-being
Scorecard #4
Early learning and child care
Child and youth poverty
Parental leave uptake
Employment rate for mothers
Youth well-being


The Immigration focus area has been present in all 4 editions of the Scorecard.


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Global reputation
Regional retention
Immigrant income gap
Students to PR
Migrant acceptance
Life satisfaction
Scorecard #2
Global reputation
Regional retention
Immigrant income gap
Students to PR
Support for immigration
Migrant integration policy
Scorecard #3
Global reputation
Provincial retention
Immigrant income gap
Students to PR
Support for immigration
Migrant integration policies
Temporary foreign workers
Scorecard #4
Global reputation
Provincial retention of immigrants
Immigrant income gap
International students to PR
Public support for immigration levels
Citizenship rate
Temporary foreign workers
Francophone immigration

Education, skills & employment

Was originally named Education and training in the 1st Scorecard but was renamed in 2022 to Education, skills & employment.


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Performance in reading, science and math
Post-secondary attainment
Youth NEET
Spending on training
Spending on education
Scorecard #2
Performance in reading, science and math
Post-secondary attainment
Youth NEET
Adult learning
Low-wage work
Employment rate
Scorecard #3
Performance in reading, science and math
Post-secondary attainment
Youth NEET
Adult learning
Low-wage work
Employment rate
Scorecard #4
Performance in reading, science and math
Post-secondary attainment
Youth NEET
Low-wage work
Employment rate

Growing Well

The six indicators used to track Canada's progress on "growing well" were redistributed throughout the Scorecard from 2022 onwards.


No change (name change only, no substantive changes in concept or data)
Indicator removed in next edition
Indicator concept or data adjusted in this edition
Indicator added in this edition
Indicator moved to another focus area in next edition, at times with revised title
Scorecard #1
Global competitiveness
Income inequality
Life expectancy
Environmental sustainability
Social progress
Scorecard #2
Scorecard #3
Scorecard #4